Many of these were short term goals. As is the norm, Tigers half-ranked at testing. Karate for Kids, Teens and Adults from both schools promoted white to orange, orange to yellow, yellow to camo, etc. Seven students in Golden reached their long term goal of First Degree Black Belt Decided. What an accomplishment! Congratulations to each and every student. You make your instructors so proud.
Tigers in Arvada sitting like Masters...
waiting so patiently for fellow students to do their forms and one-steps.
Warming up with Mr. Rice in Arvada
Promotion's Ceremony in Arvada
Testers and Instructors in Arvada
Warming up with Mr. Pederson in Golden
Promotion's Ceremony in Golden
Seven new Black Belts!
Testers and Instructors in Golden
Golden Black Belts
It's time to set new goals!